Would somebody please explain to reporters that just because they buy everything Apple makes without question, that doesn't mean iPhone is dominant in business mobile communications? The common refrain I'm seeing in online and print articles is that the new Palm Pre is taking the iPhone on! No, it's not. It's taking RIM's Blackberry on. RIM owns the business sphere. And the Palm Pre is very much a business phone, like its "in spirit" predecessor, the Treo. Sure, the iPhone has business users and the Pre non-business users, but that's not the target market.
Apples and oranges, people. The shocking conclusion will be: some people prefer the iPhone and some people prefer the Pre. Shocking!!
I can't wait until a Windows Mobile phone has a portrait-oriented slide out keyboard like the Palm Pre. I love the Blackberry/Treo keyboard, but not the small square screens. The landscape keyboard that HTC keeps giving us are nice, but the screen orientation switching is a bit annoying. The Palm Pre fixes this, but I'm too much of a Windows Mobile guy to defect for that small feature. ;-)