  • Joe_Hell
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • Nestling Topic Starter
hello all,
I am experiencing some odd behavior. RD tabs x64 2.1.24
This occurs on my attched dell monitor and on my laptop screen.
Laptop is running windows 7 enterprise 64 bit.

Using RD tabs my cursor changes size from medium to large arrow in the top 1/4 to 1/3 of the screen. When this occurs (from medium to larg arrow) I am then not able to change focus
for insatnce i can not hit X to close a window in RD tabs or _ to minimize a window. This does not impact select items for the RD tabs menu bar.

It is has been many many years since I have taken any hallucingenics and the only person that regularly referes to me as psychotic is my wife.

thanks in advance,
I am having the same issue where you cannot interact with the top portion of the RDP screen area.
I do not have the cursor size issue.

The only way I have found to fix this, close the corrupt tab and just open a new tab and put in the info again. Log in and it works...
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader
I have seen before an issue where part of the screen becomes non-responsive. It's a bug in the RDP control. RD Tabs, unfortunately, is not involved in this. I've only seen it under Windows XP. I have never been able to replicate it on Vista and newer on my personal test machines. I don't know the exact cause and the one machine where it occurred was fixed with an OS reinstall, which is a pretty sucky thing to ask of a user...

I wish I could be of more help...
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