  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader Topic Starter
It's here! RD Tabs 2.0 is no longer in beta! All current users from 1.x and 2.x will see their auto-update notify them of a new version. Everybody else, you can download it here...

MSI: http://www.avianwaves.com/tech/tools/rdtabs/rdtabs_2.0.8.msi 
Zip: http://www.avianwaves.com/tech/tools/rdtabs/rdtabs_2.0.8.zip 

(Note: 2.0.8 is the first non-Beta version in the 2.0 codeline.)

For those who haven't been paying attention to the Beta, 2.0 brings LOTS of new features:

- New tab manager
- Side-by-side connections (by splitting the window into multiple "tab panes")
- Batch favorites editing
- Stored password encryption
- FULL RDP 6.0 support
- Floating tabs, detached from the main window
- Command line support for scripting
- Integrated Remote Desktop screen capture
- Automatic "redial"
- Remote computer information with integrated terminal server management
- User profile settings clean-up utility
- "Show icon in task-tray" support
- Remote connection thumbnail view
- Optional keyboard shortcuts (SysKeys) that work even WHILE connected
- Tab icons that show connection state
- Export favorites as plain XML or encrypted
- Plus MUCH more!

Here's the immediate 2.0.8 changelog for those who have been paying attention to the beta and want to see what's changed between RC2 (2.0.7) and this version.

- Fixed a bug where the "Hide Full Screen" menu item was not disabling when you leave full screen mode. If you clicked on it when not in full screen mode, nothing happened anyway, so this is a very minor bug.
- Fixed a bug where if you used the keyboard to activate a favorite (say by hitting "enter") nothing would happen.
- Fixed a bug where even if SysKeys were disabled, the "Key Up" event for the specified or default SysKey modifier key was sometimes trapped (would cause the particular modifier key to get "stuck").
- Added the ability to bring up a favorite's context menu by clicking the special "context menu" key (also known as the "app key") near the windows logo key to the right of the space bar on some keyboards.
- Added more keyboard-friendly handling to the favorite's context menus (easier navigation without the cursor getting lost)
- Embedded an application manifest for each EXE in the RD Tabs application folder. This manifest is very basic, but was included to provide the execution level information that Windows Vista likes to have. Apparently, from what I read, in OS's after Vista (and, I'm assuming, after Server 2008), application manifests will be required, so might as well include it now! Just FYI, RD Tabs runs "as invoked" for all EXEs except the uninstaller helper application that requires administrative priveleges to clean up COM registrations so that other remote desktop applications don't break after uninstalling RD Tabs (unlike some unnamed commercial competitors of RD Tabs which don't play so nice).
- Fixed a bug where after opening and then closing (or docking) a floating tab, some SysKeys would not respond (such as SysKey+\ and SysKey+Insert)
- Fixed a bug where SysKey+T would sometimes always activate the top-left active tab (whether or not the tab pane was active), instead of the active tab in the active tab pane.
- Fixed a bug where if you split the screen into nested tab panels and then you closed a panel, sometimes the orientation would switch (horizontal to vertical split or vice versa) on active tab panes after the closed tab pane cleaned up. The problem was that as tabs and tab panes were pushed up the tab panel tree when certain levels of nesting were not needed (tree clean-up), the orientation of sub-panels was not always correctly copied to the parent panels.
- Renamed "Local Resources" tab to just "Resources" because remote sound is not actually a local resource! That was a typo on my part from a long time ago when I was redesigning the connection properties dialog.
- Changed the "Experience" checkbox which said "Desktop composition" to "Desktop composition (ie, Aero Glass)" so that users know what "Desktop composition" actually means -- Aero Glass via remote desktop!
- Fixed a bug where the tab pane splitter bar would be one pixel off from center sometimes due to a rounding error. I'm nit-picky!
- Fixed a bug where if you edit multiple favorites and saving passwords is disabled, you would still be allowed to enter password data into the text box. It wouldn't save long term, but it would let you enter the data. This is simply a usability bug.
- Fixed a bug where if you hit cancel when initially selecting a filename for export, it would leave the filename blank (undefined/null) which could cause an exception.
- Fixed typo/error in SysKey+F2 Help: The SysKey+] and SysKey+[ functions were transposed.
- Updated SysKey help dialog.
- Widened the profile cleaner's default window width a bit.
- Added a few more error catchers for Remote Computer Information. You probably won't ever notice they are there, but they trap thread exceptions and show errors if necessary.
  • Marc
  • 68.6% (Friendly)
  • Flock Member
I found a minor bug: Screen capture works if you click "Conenction->Screencapture" as well as the third mini-icon-button from the right. But the small combobox/pulldown menu inside each tab doesn't work. There is a screen capture option as well, but it doesn't seem to work. Apart from that, very good work 🙂
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader Topic Starter
Thanks for the notice! A fix will find its way into the next verison.
full film