  • vandyk
  • 53.6% (Neutral)
  • Nestling Topic Starter
Hi Timothy,

We already talked about the usage of Credentials and you mentioned that you're planning to implement it maybe on release 3.0 of RDTabs. These days I was trying to access the connections, and remember that this kind of feature could be really nice to have.

In my case, I have a lot of connections with the user, domain and passwords saved on Favorites. But sometimes I must connect using a different user, domain and password.

Considering that RDTabs will have the Credentials, will be cool it has the option in a connection the "Run As" and allow to select a different credential.

Think about it.

Best regards, and keep your excellent work with this tool.

Fernando Possebon
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader
Multiple/alternate connection profiles (which will include the capabilities you describe, plus more) is slated for version 2.2. In addition to alternate username/password, you'll be able to use alternate settings for any of the connection properties on demand. It will be implemented as a drop down list which when a new profile is selected will overwrite whatever is currently in the properties. You can define as few or as many properties to override as you want in each alternate profile. Additionally, you can lock an alternate profile to a favorite so that when the profile is updated, the changes will take effect on all locked favorites. At the same time, you won't lose the settings that were in the favorite before it was overridden, so you can easily undo changes.
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