Poll Question : How does RD Tabs 2.0 look to you so far?  (Poll is closed)

Total: 4

  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader Topic Starter
It's finally in a state I feel is "pretty" enough to show off to the public! The alpha version of RD Tabs is almost feature-complete and will soon graduate to "private beta" for testing. This is where I give very buggy copies to my techy friends who promise not to laugh. After that stage is "public beta" where all you guys get to test-run it and fixed the remainder of the major bugs. Then it goes RTM!

To whet your appetite, here are some screenshots of RD Tabs 2.0's new facelist and incredible feature list!

Pic 1: RD Tabs after it loads...
Notice the new pretty tab manager with the icon and the close button in the tab, like IE7.


Pic 2: Stateful icons in the tabs...
Here we have one tab that is connected, one that is connecting, and one that is disconnected. The new icon in the tab selector row shows the state the tab is in without modifying the title.


Pic 3: Split screen goodness...
Nobody else has this. Split the screen and work on two connections at the same time. Yes, the clipboard redirection allows cut from one, paste to the other (even files and folders).


Pic 4: Beyond split screen...
But why stop at just splitting the screen? You can split it again, and again, and again, ad naseum! (Works better with a higher resolution monitor than I was using!) 😇


Pic 5: Help, my tab jumped out of my application...
"Float" your connection into its own independent window (with its own taskbar entry). Drag it to another monitor, minimize it -- whatever you want to do! Oh yea and you can re-dock it later on, should you want it to join the crowd of tabs in the main window again.


Pic 6: Able to edit multiple favorites in a single bound...
Password change every month? No problem. Select all your affected favorites and change ONLY the password property of them all. But it doesn't stop at passwords, you can change ANY parameter of ANY group of favorites in a single editing window. Just check off what you want to change and type in the new values.


Pic 7: Why can't I connect to that server? I know I spelled the name right...
View the most common diagnostic properties of a remote connection directly from within RD Tabs. Includes DNS resolution (upper left), RDP port status (upper left), ping (upper right), and active sessions on the remote terminal server (lower). The name and IP are obfiscated since I screen-shotted this at work. 🙂 Yes, you can test non-3389 ports.


Pic 8: Thumbnails rock...
Fifty connections open and you just can't quite remember which one was the one where you had that browser opened to that particular site? No problem. Check out the thumbnails, find it, and click on it to jump right to that tab!

  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader Topic Starter
I fixed the problem that was preventing people from voting. Sorry about that! 😰
  • matt
  • 56.6% (Neutral)
  • Fledgling
Wow is that sexy!

=d{ /:d/ =p~ =d{ /:d/ =p~

I'm not anti-social; I'm just NOT user friendly.

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