  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader Topic Starter
First, thank you to everybody who submitted error reports. The bulk of the fixes in this version are due to user-submitted error reports. The automatic updates feature should download this version for all RD Tabs users within 24 hours.

Download links...

x86 MSI: http://www.avianwaves.co...rdtabs/rdtabs_2.1.11.msi 
x86 Zip: http://www.avianwaves.co...rdtabs/rdtabs_2.1.11.zip 
x64 MSI: http://www.avianwaves.co...tabs/rdtabs64_2.1.11.msi 
x64 Zip: http://www.avianwaves.co...tabs/rdtabs64_2.1.11.zip 

- Most of the bugs fixed in this release are a DIRECT result of error reports submitted by users. Please, keep them coming! Adding a description of what you were doing when the error occured helps tremendously as well.
- Fixed an obscure null reference exception on start-up when there is a corruption of the auto-start favorites configuration.
- Modified the RDP 6.1 detection code somewhat. Some systems (seems to be mostly XP SP3 systems) indicate RDP 6.1 support, but when 6.1 methods are invoked, they return TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND, which means it can't find the 6.1 method I'm trying to invoke! This is probably due to a corrupt Windows installation. The new code attempts to invoke the method in a try..catch clause and if it fails, it falls back to RDP 6.0 mode. If you absolutely need 6.1 features (such as terminal services gateway), you will need to attempt to manually reregister the RDP 6.1 mstscax.dll in the system32 folder and reboot. (regsvr32 mstscax.dll) If this fails, the service pack may need to be reinstalled.
- Added a GUID field for the error report. The GUID is randomly generated anytime RD Tabs is run for the first time (or the user.config is deleted) for each user. This lets me track how wide-spread a problem is. Before I had no way of knowing if one person was sending me 10 of the same error report or if 10 people were affected. The GUID is 100% random and is in NO WAY tied to your IP address or anything remotely identifiable from a privacy perspective. You can see your GUID in the error report toward the bottom should RD Tabs crash. If it's all zeros, it failed to generate a GUID (for whatever reason), but this is not a fatal error, just an inconvenience for me. :-)
- Changed a few compiler flags on some of the DLLs that may or may not improve performance on 64-bit systems. (But why not, right?)
- Added the ability to enable or disable "public mode" which controls the username/domain caching feature of RDP (mentioned in RD Tabs 2.1.10). This option is in the General tab of the Options, toward the bottom: "Cache connection properties." This single setting (unfortunately) also enables/disables the ability to ignore certificate warnings on servers with untrusted root authorities that you decide to trust on a case by case basis. (Updated documentation with this feature.)
- Fixed a bug where if device enumeration detection fails, it will not crash RD Tabs but will instead simply notify the user that device enumeration is not working. This will affect the ability of setting granular permissions on device redirection and usually indicates a corrupt RDP (and Windows) installation.
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