Recently updated my local system to support 2 large monitors and thought I'd ask if there is any support for RDTabs to support both monitors at the same time?

I believe in previous posts from a few years ago there was a discussion that 2 copies of RDTabs cannot be run at the same time - but I had thought about 1 copy of RDTabs stretching between the 2 monitors and then being able to split the "Window" into 2 with tabs in each giving the same end effect.

Any thoughts by chance? 🙂 I deal with a lot of situations where side by side is great - but having the 2 at 1/2 width makes it too painful... Lastly - any idea on next releases, etc 😳 (sorry - had to ask since I'm at the point of just looking for "any" 2010 posts in forum 👻 )

Thanks!!! =d{
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader
You can open multiple "Tab Panels" which are windows that can host tabs. Each one can be put on a different monitor and you can drag tabs between them. Go to Connection and select "New Detached (Floating) Tab Panel." You will notice that tab panels only share the Connection and Favorites menus. For the others, you will need to use the main RD Tabs window. Otherwise, it functions just like multiple copies of RD Tabs open at once.
Not sure I ever would have figure this out on my own - so I'm really glad I asked, however as soon as I opened a floating tab panel - everything was very logical...

Thank you for the help! 🙂
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