  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader Topic Starter
Some code I added in 2.1.14 seems to cause an occasional crash. OOPS. This is now fixed in 2.1.15. Additionally, the error reporter has been updated. And finally, <drum roll> RD Tabs Update, when being run manually, will now NOT stop the download if you close RD Tabs before it completes. This change actually affects all versions of RD Tabs because it's a server-side change. Horray!

Download links...

x86 MSI: http://www.avianwaves.co...rdtabs/rdtabs_2.1.15.msi 
x86 Zip: http://www.avianwaves.co...rdtabs/rdtabs_2.1.15.zip 
x64 MSI: http://www.avianwaves.co...tabs/rdtabs64_2.1.15.msi 
x64 Zip: http://www.avianwaves.co...tabs/rdtabs64_2.1.15.zip 


- Fixed a bug where sometimes RD Tabs would crash on loading due to a null reference exception (bug introduced in 2.1.14 due to the AutoHotKey fix).
- Updated the Error Reporter so that it includes the Service Pack version of the operating system.
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