Brad Beacham
How about adding an option in the installer to put a shortcut to RDTabs on the Windows Desktop? I can copy the shortcut from my Start Menu to the desktop, but that copy seems to get broken every time I install a new version of RDTabs.

Other than that little irritation, I really like RDTabs. Thanks for creating it and continuing to improve it!
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader
I've noticed that too. I'm not entirely sure why it gets broken. The Visual Studio MSI creator is a bit lacking. I'll have to see if it's possible to add that option.

Thanks for the suggestion.
I second this request, and would like to also request if you could add the option for the Quick Launch shortcut. Some installers allow you to choose if you tick where you wants shortcuts (i.e. Desktop & Quicklaunch). It's a 5 second thing to copy the shortcut, but for some reason, it just is a bit annoying.

That's being said, the application is fantastic. Please keep up the great work.
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader
Thanks for the comments. I do appreciate it. I like an uncluttered desktop (and quickbar) but that's obviously just me! :-D

I will see if I can add this feature. Like I said, Visual Studio's MSI creator is a bit lacking, but it's just so damn convenient for me. lol.
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