  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader Topic Starter
This project is not dead! 🙂 Few more bug fixes...

Download links...

x86 MSI: http://www.avianwaves.co...rdtabs/rdtabs_2.1.21.msi 
x86 Zip: http://www.avianwaves.co...rdtabs/rdtabs_2.1.21.zip 
x64 MSI: http://www.avianwaves.co...tabs/rdtabs64_2.1.21.msi 
x64 Zip: http://www.avianwaves.co...tabs/rdtabs64_2.1.21.zip 


- In Manage Favorites, some keyboard shortcuts were repeated (ALT+E). Each keyboard shortcut is now unique.
- Fixed incorrect assembly versions in the previous release of RD Tabs. This does not affect performance, but it does make debugging more difficult.
- Added more breadcrumbs to some methods that are generating exceptions in rare cases.
- Fixed a bug where if you sent a tab to a new tab pane, you wouldn't be able to set keyboard focus on the tab by clicking in the window with your mouse. You instead had to click on the titlebar.
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