As for your favorites, check your appdata folders (local AND remote) for avian_waves\rdtabs_fdash89fhsda9fuhsa9fhsfhsadf9ha\user.config (the "fashfsah" stuff is a randomly generated hash). if you switched from local to roaming profile, this may happen. or if you ran the profile cleaning utility and nuked the config of the version of rd tabs you are currently using. user.configs shouldn't just disappear. and RD Tabs only deletes favorites during the "delete" operation in the favorites manager (meaning there's no clean-up feature to mess things up). The entire user.config going away (or becoming misplaced) could explain the second part of you problem as rd tabs reverted to default settings...the good news is that the profile cleaner is SUPPOSED to move stuff to the recycle bin... the bad news is if it wasn't the profile cleaner <gulp> it might be a bug or another app!As for the identity verifcation... That's easy to fix. This is where 2003 SP2 and Vista RDP support TLS to enhance security of RDP. Under the "advanced" tab in the connection properties you'll see "Server security and authentication." The three options are Legacy, attempt TLS, and require TLS. you probably have "require TLS" selected. If you have not set up your remote desktop servers to use certificates, then you need to use "legacy" or "attempt" although "attempt" will bug you every time it doesn't find a certificate (security warning). Vista automatically uses a self-signed certificate, so unless you have a CA running or use a commercial certificate, you'll still get warnings (although the connection will work) if TLS is enabled.