  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader Topic Starter
Download links...

x86 MSI: http://www.avianwaves.co...rdtabs/rdtabs_2.1.25.msi 
x86 Zip: http://www.avianwaves.co...rdtabs/rdtabs_2.1.25.zip 
x64 MSI: http://www.avianwaves.co...tabs/rdtabs64_2.1.25.msi 
x64 Zip: http://www.avianwaves.co...tabs/rdtabs64_2.1.25.zip 

- Fixed a bug where if you have Windows set to a DPI that is larger than 100% (larger than 96 DPI), RD Tabs would partially freeze and became unusable. The workaround is not ideal, but it will be good enough, I think, until the next major version which will properly handle various forms of screen scaling.
- Improved Network Level Authentication (NLA) feature. You can now use saved credentials from within RD Tabs with NLA. Previously you had to use the standard Windows security provider, which required entering username and password manually on each connection. If you leave the username, password, and domain all blank, RD Tabs will operate in "Single Sign On" (SSO) mode, where it will use the credentials of the user it was launched as. Note that SSO requires special configuration of your domain to work. It is not enabled out of the box. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/...-server-connections.aspx 
- Fixed a bug where the Disable Remote Desktop Protocol Compression checkbox was reversed. Previously, if it was not checked, compression was disabled. Oops.
- Fixed a bug where in Windows 7 when you disable full screen, the menu bar would disappear.
full film