Tony Pedretti
  • ynotpe
  • 53.6% (Neutral)
  • Nestling Topic Starter
Can anyone comment on the new compression algorithm for RDP in SP1 for Windows Vista and how RD Tabs may support it?...

Vista SP1 highlights in 60 seconds - The reasons why I’ll be applying the service pack 


Tony Pedretti
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader
2.1.3 Alpha will use the Vista SP1 / Server 2008 RDP library. I looked through the documentation on the new available API options and I didn't see anything on how to turn on advanced compression, so I'm assuming it will be automatic. Well, I'm hoping anyway. Let me know if it doesn't perform as expected. I don't have enough test boxes to really test this thing enough. Also coming in 2.1.3: terminal services gateway!

Vista SP1 will not be required to take advantages of these new features because the required DLL comes bundled with RD Tabs.

I haven't tested to make sure this works correctly on XP or Server 2003 yet. That's the only delay for the next alpha release.
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