  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader Topic Starter
I modified the Road Map (here ) quite a bit to accelerate the release of RD Tabs 2.1. Since Vista SP1 and Server 2008 are already released, I want to make sure there's a version of RD Tabs out soon that will support RDP 6.1. So the larger features of 2.1 (such as the Connection Manager and Default Connection Profiles) have been pushed to 2.2. Additionally, the former 2.2 is now 2.3, and so on. Version 2.1 had to fix quite a few bugs and introduced many new small features (from those wonderful suggestions), so the release schedule kept getting pushed back and I didn't want version 2.0 to become stale since it lacks RDP 6.1 support. So, as soon as the features (and bug fixes) listed in the 2.1 road map are done, it will go into "beta" phase where it will be feature-locked (so as not to expierence "feature-creep" like so many good projects do) while the last major bugs are fixed before the RTW release of 2.1 is ready.

Thanks for all the help debugging!
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